Sea el amor la última resistencia | May love be the last barrier (Jael Uribe)


(May love become the next pandemic!)

Amar. ¡Sea amarse la primera barrera y la última resistencia! Incluirnos en la perspectiva de quienes viven creyendo en la esperanza como único recurso, en la bondad como única arma ante lo adverso. 

Amar. Sea el único refugio de quienes viven en las sombras, sin haber tocado nunca la mano amable, sin haber recibido el beso honesto y por eso viven mordiendo constantemente al mundo. Extenderles las manos, mostrarles el camino correcto al amor y a la justicia. 

Amar. Creyéndolo posible. Abogar porque sean la luz, la paz y la bondad,  instrumentos imprescindibles de la fuerza.

AMAR. Como si nunca te hubieran roto.

Jael Uribe (Escritora)


To love. Let love be the first barrier and the last resistance! Including ourselves in the perspective of those who live believing in hope as only resource, in goodness as the only weapon in the face of adversity.

To love. Becoming the only refuge for those who dwell shadows, those who don’t know a kind hand, without receiving the honest kiss and that is why, they live in the world of constant aggressiveness. Extending your hands to them, showing them the right path to love and justice.

To love. Believing it possible. Advocating to light, peace and goodness as essential instruments of force.

TO LOVE. Like you've never been broken before.

Jael Uribe (Writer)


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